Who we are
GameDev Estonia is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and coordinating the development of the video game industry in Estonia. GameDev Estonia represents individual Estonian video game developers and development companies of any scale, outsourcing companies, research centers, and educational organizations.
We already managed to bring together most of the Estonian GameDev community. Become a member of our association through Patreon to get the latest news in the field, networking opportunities, and job prospects.

The main goal is to bring together local game development forces, companies, entrepreneurs, and ultimately universities.

Our latest activities
In February of 2022, we published an Estonian GameDev Industry overview. This paper was part of the effort to map out the Estonian game development industry landscape. It was sponsored by Gamecan OÜ, Placeholder Gameworks OÜ, and Ringtail OÜ with the additional support of the Estonian game development community. This paper is widely used by the community and was used in the creation of the European Game Development overview paper. by European Game Developers Federation (egdf.eu).
In June of 2022 we organized a Summer Conference event. It was divided into two parts – the first evening was an official bigger-scale event where we will discuss the latest Estonian releases and future plans, then on the second day were mainly discussions on the upcoming events and cooperation possibilities inside of the community.
We are helping students to find careers in local game dev, studios to promote their projects and to make a game development community more visible to the open public. Additionally, we organized many community events such as DEMO day, Drawing Workshop, and Monthly Meetups.

Marten Palu
Marten is passionate about helping businesses and people to succeed. He's a natural entrepreneur, out of the box thinker. Founder/CEO of Gamecan, a game development studio based in Pärnu. Co-founder / Board Member of PÄRNU HUUB.

Maret Saluste
Maret has been in the game industry since 2015, when she started studying Game Design and Development in Tallinn. Maret has worked in Gamecan for over 3 years, first as a marketing specialist and now she is an Education Project Manager. She is currently developing their education centre Full Cycle Game Academy.

Ott Madis Ozolit
Ott has been in the gaming industry since 2003, active in both the international and local game development communities, helping out with APT Game Generator. Ott has worked on games such as Disco Elysium, Death and Taxes and Tropico 6. Their current focus lies mostly with creating impactful, meaningful narrative games and advancing the interests and opportunities of Estonian game development communities.

Andrejs Rusinovskis
Andrejs is the head of curriculum for the Game Design BA degree, having previously worked as a youth development worker and Erasmus project trainer. Worked in numerous countries around the world. Designed educational program materials. Co-founded the Interactive Video Game Museum LVLup! and established the GameDev Hub in Tallinn.