This paper was made as a part of the effort to map out the Estonian game development industry landscape and was sponsored by Gamecan OÜ, Placeholder Gameworks OÜ and Ringtail OÜ with the additional support of the Estonian game development community. We are open for  suggestions and information can be corrected. Latest revision of this document was made on 01.04.2022

Additional Notes

We believe that this paper can be improved in the upcoming years. We don’t provide full information about GameDev HUBs in Estonia like LIFT99 in Tallinn, or OBJEKT in Narva. At the same time, we don’t have complete information about all Estonian game releases, by our incomplete information, there were at least 70 games released by Estonian studios from the moment of becoming independent in 1991. All those aspects will be our goal for the next year’s rapport.

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