The Estonian delegation made a strong showing at Gamescom, highlighting the country’s growing community. GameDev Estonia, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and coordinating the development of the video game industry in Estonia, was present at the event at the Creative Europe MEDIA booth. For the first time Estonian Association had a representative at Games Industry Trade Association Reception organized by European Game Developer Federation (EGDF).

With the help of GameDev Estonia and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) project Development of support structures for the creative economy 2019-2023 – Simple Magic, Placeholder Gameworks, Fat Snail Studio, Weird OÜ, Ringtail Studios and SQA partners managed to attend Gamescom conference and had opportunity to organize meetings at Creative Europe booth. Other Estonian studios that were present at Gamescom were CM Games and Interactive Fate.

Interactive Fate, an Estonian game developer, announced their new game “Monster Run” at Gamescom, which features a giant fire-breathing panther as the main character . As you gain new attack types, you will master nonhuman tactics to survive armies of hundreds trying to wear you down. Most of your enemies will be tiny, yet evil. The armies will be commanded by a variety of minibosses, relatively bigger & stronger beings trying to challenge your superiority.

There were many valuable meetings, and first results of those meetings will be visible already this year. There are plans to organize Estonian booth at Game Industry Conference in Poland. Already plans for the next Gamescom and growing our presence there. An GameJam event with the main developers of Game Maker and separate event with Godot Engine team. The Godot Engine is a free, all-in-one, cross-platform game engine that makes it easy for you to create 2D and 3D games. We are planning to help with possible Unicon (Comic Con type event) in Estonia and invited many talented developers to visit our lands with useful seminars.

The delegation’s participation in the event not only helped to raise awareness of Estonia’s gaming industry, but also provided a platform for Estonian game developers to connect with industry professionals and potential partners. At the same time we, as a community, became more visible for the Creative Europe – the European Commission’s programme for providing support to the cultural and audiovisual sectors.